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The Last Dinosaur

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  The Last Dinosaur



  The Last Dinosaurby the sometimes too active

  mind ofTJ Daniels (sometimes Poet)

  Copyright © 2011 T. J. Daniels

  A long, long time ago, in a land far

  away, on a desert covered rain forest lived A Giant.(we don't

  know what kind of giant it was, it was just called A Giant).

  One day, the giant was cruising

  along on his rolling stone, (the stone was the size of Mount

  Rushmore), but it was round and he had discovered that by balancing

  on it, he could make it move. And that became his mode of transport.

  He hadn't yet discovered that he

  could use two, like inline roller skates. This was the forerunner of

  the unicycle, pogo stick, big wheel and many other fine inventions,

  including the wheel and the one wheeled scooter.

  He was going too fast one day when

  too late, he saw a very large egg, just laying there in the rain

  forest covered desert, but now it looked like a one egg omelet and

  that was 'The Last Dinosaur'.

  When the last dinosaur egg was

  squished, it went to Dinosaur Heaven and was greeted by all of

  his/her ancestors. You couldn't tell male from female dinosaurs, but

  they had a special code, or maybe a special smell so they knew the

  difference... maybe not. Maybe whenever they met another dinosaur,

  one would say:

  'I'm male' and the other would say:

  'Me too, glad to meet you'.

  There were Squirrel Dino’s,

  Flying Dino’s, Crawling Dino’s, Chicken Dino’s, and

  there were even a few Pet Rock Dino’s that had turned to stone

  because of age.

  Dino Heaven looked much the same as

  Arizona, with blue skies, and a lot of sand and sand castles. It

  almost looked like a desert, except there weren't any trees.

  Otherwise it would look like a desert without trees.

  It was a very peaceful place and

  very flat, with mountains from horizon to horizon, covered with sand.

  In the middle, there was a majestic fountain, flowing with sand

  colored sand.

  This was a very special sand, 'cause

  you could drink it, eat it and you pooped beautiful hand-carved


  There were piles of sandcastles


  Everyone that lived in this desert

  was very rich, because they used sand as currency. Whenever you ran

  out, all you had to do was reach down and grab a handful, put it in

  your pocket and you were no longer poor. Many pockets were filled to

  bulging. The greedy even had bulging back packs, and they called

  themselves 'bankers'.

  At the end of this desert, there was

  a giant forest, with all sorts of vegetable and fruit trees. The

  watermelon trees only grew a few inches off the ground though,

  because of the weight of the watermelons, so you didn't have to climb

  the trees to harvest the melons.

  In the middle of the desert/forest,

  hidden in plain sight, deep in the mountains was a magic sand castle.

  It was so magical that it was

  invisible and you could only find it by touch, or by bumping into it.

  One night, The Giant tripped over it and fell on it and the sand made

  him sneeze. He sneezed so loud that he created an earthquake and the

  earthquake created a giant black hole.

  As The Giant and the desert/forest

  and everything that existed was sucked into the black hole, The Giant

  was so startled, angry, sad and happy, that he cursed in a language

  understood only by him. It could have been a happy curse, no one

  knows, since no one understood the language.

  Then, as if by magic, everything

  that was in the black hole came shooting out as fast as light and

  instantly reassembled itself as it was before. Except that in the

  middle, there was a space ship.

  The Giant was so happy that he tried

  to climb into it, but realized that it was NOT a giant space ship, so

  he straddled it. Then he saw a button that said 'Push Me', so he

  pushed the button, but nothing happened. He kept pushing the button,

  but each time got the same results.

  He became so angry that he was going

  to push the space ship off the edge. As he pushed, he kept hearing a

  'putt-putt' then realized that the button didn't mean to push the

  button, but to push the space ship so he kept pushing and soon, the

  putt-putt became 'va-room va-room', then he jumped on and found

  levers that increased or decreased the speed of the space ship. He was

  so happy that he never even thought to check and see if there were

  any brakes.

  As the speed increased faster than

  the speed of light, everything became a blur and suddenly there was a

  bright, blinding light. It was so bright that The Giant could not see

  anything. Then he heard a voice as loud as a thousand trains:

  '_I Am_ Who are you?'

  The Giant could not see who spoke

  but in a loud voice he said:

  'I am The Giant!'

  The voice said:

  '_I AM_ Larger than you! _I AM_ THE


  The smaller Giant said: 'Where are


  And the voice said:

  '_I AM_ Everywhere! _I AM_

  Everything! You are not ready to see me. If you wish to see me, you

  must know as much as _I AM_. Then you might be able to see me, and

  still exist'.

  The Giant was very confused and

  frightened, but continued on his journey, as fast as he could, away

  from that blinding light and terrifying voice. As his speed

  increased, he started seeing flashes of videos, to the left and to

  the right. The videos on the left said: Reverse and the videos on the

  right said: Forward. Then he saw a large sign that said:

  You Are Now Entering THE TWILIGHT


  As he continued a short distance, he

  saw another sign that said:

  You Are Now Leaving THE TWILIGHT

  ZONE, then beneath that, he saw a smaller sign that said: Just


  Then he saw another sign that read:

  If you have to pee, it's ok just do

  it, but remember, here in THE TWILIGHT ZONE, water flows uphill, so

  don't climb any.

  Then he saw another sign that said:

  Don't go too close to the edge, or

  you might fall off, but if you do, don't blame us, 'cause you've been

  warned, so The Giant stayed far away from the edge.

  Over time, The Giant became bored

  and looked around for something to do. He found a round thing made of

  stone, but someone had made a hole in it, so you couldn't even sit on

  it, 'cause your butt would sag through, which he called a wheel,

  ('cause he couldn't think of any thing else to call it) then sat down

  in the sand to decide how to use the wheel.

  He realized that if he had two,

  could attach them together, then he could sit in the middle, but

  since he only had one wheel, he had to find someone that could make

  another. So he called the other giant:

  'Hey! Giant!' then he heard:

  'You called? What do you want?'

  'I have a devise that I've named the

  wheel, and I need another one'.

  'I know what you have, and I know

  what you need. Where do you think the name for it came from?'


  'Who else!'

  'Can you make me another one?'

  'It'll cost you!'

  So the Giant reached down with both

  hands and scooped up as much sand as he could hold, then said:

  'Is this enough?'

  'Exactly, right down to the last

  grain of sand. There's even a couple grains over, but we don't

  quibble over a couple grains of sand'.

  After the exchange had taken place,

  The Real Giant said:

  'Look behind you'.

  The giant turned and there was a

  wheel, with a hole in the middle just like the other one.

  'How do I know that 'you' made that

  one? You could have taken my other wheel and put it there'.

  Then as if by magic, in the blink of

  an eye, there were two wheels, side by side.


  'Yes Sir Mister Giant'.

  'It's Sir Giant, I don't have a


  'Yes Sir, Sir Giant'.

  'It's NOT Sir Sir Giant, it's just

  Sir Giant'.

  'Yes Sir Giant'.

  'Now I know what you're planning on

  doing, so if you look where you were last, you'll find what you


  So the giant went back to where he

  was and found what he needed, then he attached the wheels together

  and sat in the middle, but that didn't work, because he fell

  backwards. He didn't hurt his butt, 'cause his head hit first.

  Then he realized that he needed a

  sitting devise in the middle. So he found some material and made a

  sitting devise and called it a chair. Then he chuckled to himself,

  realizing the other giant had been at work again.

  Now, when he sat on the chair, he

  didn't fall backwards, nor did he fall forward, because his feet held

  him up.

  He discovered that he could, by

  using his feet by pushing backwards, move the wheels, but he couldn't

  see where he was going. So he looked and found a small piece of shiny

  metal and by holding it in front of himself, he could see where he

  was going. So he called it the rear view.

  Now that he could see where he was

  going, he started going faster and faster. He started going too fast

  and realized he was heading for the edge.

  Then he started to panic and looked

  for the brakes, but at the last minute, he realized there weren’t

  any, so he started dragging his feet.

  He looked in the rear view, and

  realized that the edge was getting closer and closer, but he was

  finally able to stop in time.

  When he had turned to see how far he

  had to drag his feet, he was shocked. It looked like there were twin

  canyons. They were very deep and he called them The Twin Giant


  After the Giant died, someone

  renamed them The Twin Canyons. They waited till the Giant died,

  ’cause everyone was afraid of him, but now they didn’t

  fear him any more.

  Now back to the real story, 'cause

  that was just a peek at the future.

  To Be Continued...

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